Community Involvement

Lilacia Park Butterfly Garden


The club’s Butterfly Garden is located in Lilacia Park in the heart of downtown Lombard, Illinois. It was first planned and planted in 1999 to help native butterflies and other pollinators thrive in our area, and to honor club member and educator, Mary Wagner, Lombard’s “Butterfly Lady”.

The plants installed in our Butterfly Garden include Mexican Sunflowers, Goldenrod, Isanti Dogwood, Phlox, Daylilies, Moonshine Achillea, Daisies, Black-eyed Susan, Mist Flower, Allium, Blue Fescue, Sedum, Asters, Scabiosa, Coneflowers, Prairie Dropseed, and Liatris, to name a few.

The 9-member Butterfly Garden Committee maintains this project. Because the garden is within Lilacia Park, we work closely with the Lombard Park District. We encourage the use of Butterfly Garden plants in home gardens to beautify Lombard’s landscape and create a habitat for birds, butterflies, and other pollinators. The Butterfly Garden received state-wide recognition from the Garden Clubs of Illinois recently.

Peck Homestead Garden


The garden in front of the Peck Homestead at the corner of Grace and Parkside in Lombard is being revitalized in cooperation with the Lombard Historical Society. Currently volunteers are removing invasive plants and saving existing native ones. More native plants will be added. The garden has recently been registered as a Monarch Waystation through

Pollinator Garden in Terrace View Park


Pollinator Garden in Terrace View Park – With the assistance of the Lombard Garden Club the Lombard Park District installed a Pollinator Garden in Terrace View Park in 2020. The plants are labeled to educate visitors. The project was funded through a matching ComEd Green Regions grant which encourages creativity and collaboration with nonprofits and focuses on our climate resiliency.

Log Cabin memorial to honor Lombard resident


Log Cabin Perennial Garden: Funds donated in the memory of Dorothy Bergmann to the Lombard Garden Club and the Woman’s Club were contributed to the Lombard Park District for the creation of a perennial garden around the Log Cabin in Four Seasons Park.

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Babcock Cemetery


The club joined a group of organizations to restore the grounds of the cemetery. To improve the aesthetics the Lombard Garden Club planted over 2000 daffodil bulbs. The club received the William J Mueller Heritage Award in 2015 for its participation.

Maple Street Chapel Garden

The Maple Street Chapel, listed on the National Registry of Historical Buildings, is a highly visible part of Lombard. Its garden is maintained and enhanced with perennial and permanent accessories by club members.



The club annually provides a college scholarship to a Lombard resident. See the Scholarship page for more information. Congratulations to 2020 winners Kali Flynn and Carstyn Joiner

Lombard’s lilac princesses


As part of the lilac celebration we traditionally give the gift of a lilac bush to Lombard’s lilac princesses

Support Local School Garden


Students at Park View Elementary School under the leadership of the GardenWorks Project received financial support from the Lombard Garden Club.